Oman takes unprecedented proactive and positive action to protect Heritage and Tourism Industry
The Sultanate of Oman is to be applauded for the quick-thinking and unprecedented proactive and positive steps in suspending the country’s international tourism activities. Thereby protecting the tourism industry and their citizens, in particular the elderly population, who (not forgetting Oman’s National Museum), are the living embodiment of the nation’s culture and heritage.
From the 15th March for a period of 30 days, the countries international tourism industry will effectively be suspended, along with a number of other measures, as reported in the Oman Daily Observer. The farsighted and responsible steps were instigated by The Supreme Committee, which was formed by the government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and presents a timely opportunity for the Ministry of Tourism to assess the viability of the tourism industry and what associated or additional services may be needed to make the industry future-proof and sustainable.
This period of transition provides those companies within Oman, an opportunity to reassess their working practices and offerings, to include further services and checks that ensure all tourist entering Oman – including persons on business, migrant workers, residents and citizens – a safe environment in what is possibly the world’s healthiest and secure country to holiday, work and live.
The Supreme Committee actions to the worldwide issue is typical of the Omani government vigilance of its elders, citizens and visitors alike. The country’s capacity and care for others is clear to see in their openness and tolerance to people of all nations and it is with this care and planning that once the current challenge passes and further health checks and precautions are in place, the project Oman Life Stories will continue apace.